Why should you hire Ciris Content?
Content strategists are everywhere these days. Why exactly do you need one?
All the best reasons are listed here. But let's dig deeper and provide some context for your decision.

An even better question might be, what exactly is "content strategy," anyway? The interwebs will give you a million different answers to this question, but here's my take.
Content strategy means building the infrastructure for planning, creating, and delivering useful content to your audience. But it takes a blend of three different areas of expertise: marketing, digital strategy, and writing. Usually, professionals who call themselves "content strategists" are an ace at one of these areas, and competent at the other two to varying degrees. And there's definitely some expertise overlap. Check out my handy-dandy illustration below! It includes examples of tasks each type of strategist is typically good at.
You will rarely find a single content strategist who is an expert in all three areas. (Hence the unicorn in the middle.) If you want the entire spectrum of services below, you usually need to hire an agency, or a lean team of pros who cover all the bases.

Mainly because it will be fun.
Sunset at Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee. Image © Karin Beuerlein.
So—should you hire Ciris Content?
Ciris Content is grounded firmly on the writing side of content strategy, with considerable experience in marketing—so that you'll get expert execution along with a forward-thinking plan for getting your message across to investors, customers, donors, and the public.
Ciris Content can evaluate your current content for its effectiveness, which is a job that should be handled by a veteran writer (and I seriously cannot stress that enough, so bold font). An experienced writer can spot disconnects between your content and your audience better than anyone else can. And, of course, we're the ones who can tell your story the way you want it told.
That's the reason to hire Ciris Content. You're in the business of solving climate change, healing ecosystems, or building a sustainable brand, and you need to articulate your messaging and brand identity, craft a road map for launching content, and/or produce content that makes your audience sit up and take notice. If that's you, let's talk.